Kardex Translations and Reference

Translations of the words on the Kardex from German to English!





 Fahrgest.-Nr.  Chassis #  Garantie bis  Guaranty Ends
 Motor-Nr.  Motor #  KD-Heft Nr.  Service Book #
 Getrieb-Nr.  Transmission #  Kfz.-Brief Nr.  Title #
 Zundschloss-Nr.  Ignition Switch #  Sonderausfuhrung  Special Model
 Schlussel-Nr.  Ignition Key #  Sonderausstattung   Special Equipment 
 Ausgel.am  Delivered Date from factory    Handler  Dealer
 Abnahme-Besch.    Date Delivered to Buyer    Ort  City
 Motor-And.-Nr.  New Motor #  Land  Country
 Getrieb-And.Nr.  New Transmission #  Wagenbesitzer  Buyer
 Farbe  Color  Anschrift und Bem.  Address & Notes
 Polsterung  Upholstery  Handler  Dealer
 Wartungs-dienste  Maintenance Work  Gegebener Betrag  Paid Out Amount
 Gewahrleistungs-Anfrage  Warranty Claim Inquiry  Angweiessen am  Date Paid
 Kulanz Antrage  Goodwill (free) Work  Natural-Ersatz  Free Parts Replaced 
 km-Stand  Milage  Geliefert am  Delivery Date
 Instandsetzung  Date of Repair  KD – 1 M 9.57 HG 100   Kardex Edition Date

Translations contributed by Dr. Brett Johnson and Marco Marinello.

(Retrieved from on: derwhites356literature)

Barnblinker Introduction! Hello World!

Hello, world and welcome to Barnblinker.  So many of you may or may not understand the reason for this new site?  Well, let’s just say this is really my site that I’m willing to share with the rest of the world.  I’m a Software Engineer who has a deep passion for classic cars.  My collection today consists of mainly Porsche’s and Lotus’s.  Although, I have certainly had my run of many other cars.  So, why another blog?  Why more information if many of these cars have already been written about?  Well, the simple answer to that is good luck finding information if you’re in the process of a restoration, just fixing something, etc.  What I’ve realized over the years is that there’s a lot of information locked in the minds of fellow enthusiasts.  Well, this blog is just an attempt to organize the minds of those fellow enthusiasts to make that information more accessible to you.   In any event, I’ll keep posting new articles, findings, and maybe you’ll just see what exactly I’m working on. 🙂